Telegram, known for being a platform used to trade child sexual abuse material, has partnered with the U.K.-based Internet Watch Foundation to combat such content. This partnership allows the IWF to scan Telegram for known abuse imagery and automatically block it, as well as block links to sites hosting such content and identify AI-generated abuse imagery. Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, recently announced plans to improve moderation on the platform following his arrest in August on charges related to the platform’s alleged complicity in illegal activities, including distributing explicit images of child abuse. Prior to this partnership, Telegram had a reputation for being hostile to moderation and court orders, which frustrated child safety groups. The three largest international groups working with law enforcement and tech platforms on child safety issues had previously stated that Telegram refused to respond to their attempts to flag and remove child sexual abuse images. Despite Durov’s ongoing legal case, this partnership with IWF is seen as a positive step towards improving trust and safety on the platform. The IWF’s interim CEO expressed optimism about working with Telegram to ensure this commitment continues and expands throughout the sector, emphasizing that this partnership marks a transformational first step in a longer journey towards combating child sexual abuse material effectively.
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